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Journal Social Pedagogy is published by Združenje za socialno pedagogiko. All rights reserved.

Co-funded by: Slovenian Research Agency

ISSN 1408-2942

Submission and guide for authors

Social Pedagogy publishes original scientific (theoretical-comparative; research and empirical) and professional articles, translations of published articles written in foreign languages, demonstrations, reports and reviews in the field of socio-pedagogical research, development and practice. When preparing scientific and professional articles for the journal authors must adhere strictly to the following instructions:

Article form
Quotations and references
Submission and publication of articles

The publication of an article is a process involving contributions by people with various professional backgrounds. Adherence to the instructions will facilitate our work and expedite the publication of your article.

Authors may publish their articles in the journal free of charge. Depending on their specific field of research, we may request that the authors submit one or two articles for a free of charge peer-review. Authors can find further information regarding copyrights and the submission process in the part describing the submission and publication of articles

The journal is issued twice a year in a double issue edition. All articles become publicly available and free of charge one year after publication in printed form and are available in the Digital Library of Slovenia (dLib) public archive and on the journal website.

In addition to the instructions stated above, we kindly ask authors and reviewers to also adhere to the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement indicated below. The authors furthermore confirm that they agree with the statement upon submitting the article.


The editorial board of the Journal Social Pedagogy complies with the recommendations made by the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE.

All articles are reviewed by two or, occasionally, three reviewers. Authors must take account of the text recycling guidelines available on the COPE website. The journal publishes only copyrighted articles, whereby authors are required to state that they have indeed written their papers and that all sources contained therein are appropriately indicated (by signing an authorship statement). Authors should use original sources and should refrain from using indirect quotations.

Below, we will further specify the responsibilities of the editors, reviewers, and authors whose works are published in the Social Pedagogy Journal or who take part in the making of the journal.

Responsibilities of the editor and the editors of the thematic issues of the journal

The editor and the editors of the thematic issues of the journal shall act responsibly, and in a non-discriminatory and balanced manner. They shall quickly and adequately respond to any warnings from reviewers or authors that suggest a breach of the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. The editors of the thematic issues shall ensure equal criteria for the publication of articles, both in terms of peer-reviews and in terms of adapting a balanced and non-discriminatory approach. Furthermore, the editors shall ensure anonymity of the authors when sending the articles for review, and they shall not reveal the identities of the author and reviewer.

Responsibilities of reviewers

The first and foremost responsibility of reviewers is to improve the quality of the articles to meet the criteria of scientific and expert publications. They shall protect the confidentiality of the data submitted to them by the editor and refrain from exploiting in any way the data received. They shall be vigilant for signs of conflicts of interest and shall immediately inform the editor should they discover such conflicts. If necessary, they shall withdraw from the reviewing procedure and inform the editor accordingly. In the event of suspected plagiarism of an article or part of an article, the reviewers shall inform the editor, who shall screen the article using anti-plagiarism software.

Responsibilities of authors

The first and foremost responsibility of the authors is to guarantee authorship and originality of their articles and research. The data demonstrating the originality of their work must be adequately preserved and presented in case of a reasonable request to do so.

The authors shall refrain from plagiarism and self-plagiarism and ensure all necessary authorisations for the use of data and methodology. In addition, they shall state all the members of the research team who contributed to the research.

In addition, they shall state all the members of the research team who contributed to the research. By submitting the article for publication, they agree that the article in question or the article overlapping with the one in question, is not included in a publication process at another journal.

By submitting the article for publication, they agree that the article in question or the article overlapping with the one in question, is not included in a publication process at another journal. The authors shall avoid conflicts of interest. In the event that they emerge, the authors shall notify the editorial office and state the conflicts at the end of the article. The authors shall observe the rules for citing sources and follow up on the recommendations relating to publishing in the journal.

Even once the article has been published, the authors shall inform the editor of every substantial error in the text, so that the latter can proceed with publishing the correction.

Measures taken in the event of a breach of ethical principles

As stated above, the editor is responsible for collecting information on the breach of ethical principles or suspected breach of ethical principles. By consulting with the editorial board and collecting information and evidence, the editor decides what measures to take. The possible measures entail:

- a warning to the author or the reviewer about the breach of rules along with the ways to remedy the breach;

- a formal warning issued to the author stating that due to a breach of principles, the article will not be published in the Social Pedagogy Journal, accompanied by a recommendation to refrain from publishing the article in such form in other journals;

- a warning issued to the author’s institution and in the event of a severe breach of the code of ethical principles, a prohibition to the author that will forbid them to further publish articles in the journal.

The author has the right to appeal in 15 days after receipt of the formal notice. The editorial board shall decide on further proceedings, while the publisher (Association for Social Pedagogy) shall confirm its decision.